Wednesday, July 6, 2011


From the outside looking in you might think that I’ve lived a fairly normal life, and in a sense-- you'd be right. I grew up in Memphis, TN. I had private school education for my entire life. I have a mom, dad, younger sister, and typically 2+ dogs and 2 or 3 cats.  
Life has always been good. 
I can’t look back at any part of my life and say “man, I had it really rough when I was…” In all honesty I was and still am beyond blessed. My family has never been wealthy; at least once weekly we would have a “leftovers dinner.”
cornbread and beans were and still are staples in our home.  
Sometimes we would have to go a month without eating out or going to the movies, but we never went without the essentials. My parents have always worked hard whether it meant going back to school to get a better degree for a higher paying job or if it meant getting two more jobs to tack onto the already 40 hour work week. Mom and Dad busted their butts to take care of the family including helping aunts, uncles, and cousins with groceries or a place to stay during any of their times of need. 
My parents are silly and crazy, and they don’t have everything together, but one thing they do have is love and I know for a fact that that’s the thread that has held us together. God has placed in both my parents hearts LOVE. Whether that love flows from their lack of it when they were growing up or whether it’s something they simply developed after having children I’m not sure, but I do know that without a doubt they have it- deep down, in the depths of their hearts, never to be stolen, but always to be freely given away.
I spent a lot of my high school years taking advantage and often disregarding all the things my parents did for me. I spent a lot of time resenting their rules and their regulations, but it’s so funny as I look back on how their rules turned out to actually be what I needed to prevent me from stepping into harm’s way.  Of course I had my rebellious streak and didn’t listen and got into the wrong crowds, but I can see now how God protected me through the guidance and discipline of my parents. 
I suppose the reason for all this background information is just because it’s all coming together now. As I’ve grown and matured and I see my 13 year old sister going through some of the exact things I went through I can see how my parent’s love and God’s love brought me to where I am and I’m just so thankful for that now. As I venture into my final year of college, I can reflect upon the lessons I’ve learned and apply them to my life now and to my future.  I can look back and I see how their discipline has now carried over into how I discipline myself in school. I see now how their love for each other through the tough times is the perfect example of how I should love Pete through the hard times. I see now how their sacrifices and tight budgets (even when I wanted those cute new flare blue jeans) shaped me into a clearance rack shopper so I can save up for my future. I can see now how it takes dedication and personal sacrifice to provide for those I love. I can see now how God placed me in this family for His purpose and His plan and I wouldn't be me without being in this family.
I know this was a lot for a second post, but my roots are what make me, ME.
I want to challenge you as you read to reflect and think about your family. 
The good and the bad, and really think about what your life would be like without them.
Take some time thanking God for those who surround you and love you.
I know parents are crazy, I know life is hard, I know things really do suck sometimes at home, but step back and examine the life you've been blessed to have.
I love all my adopted family as well, I don't know what I'd do without you all.
I feel like the end of this could go on forever, so I'll end here.